
Rainer Schmidt M.D.

Rainer Schmidt M.D., Honorary President of the IAIP, has died on June 16, 2020 in Aachen, Germany.

Born on April 4, 1930 in East Prussia (nowadays a part of Poland), he then had lived in the city of Aachen where he had worked as an Adlerian psychoanalyst, lecturer and author. From 1974 to 1987, he held the position of CEO of the German Society for Individual Psychology (DGIP). He became Honorary Member of the DGIP, and Honorary President of the IAIP.

Significant were his dialogues with Bernard Shulman at our International Congresses 1993 in Budapest, 1996 in Oxford, and 1999 in Chicago. In particular, they examined the question of the extent to which IP is a depth psychology. It was amazing how they discussed with each other on the basis of equality in spite of all differences of opinion.


Dr. Bernard Shulman

Dr. Bernard Shulman, co-founder of Adler University, died November 24, 2018 at age 96.

One the most important scholars, practitioners, and teachers to advance Adlerian psychology, Dr. Shulman wrote more than 100 articles and books about Adlerian practice, and traveled the world lecturing about Alfred Adler.

His son Robert shared some words with us:

Dad saw his last patient in the office on his 91st birthday.  The day after his 92nd birthday, he suffered a heart attack followed by a stroke while in intensive care.  However, after a rehabilitation stint, he returned to the home he shared with mom since 1956, now always with a member of the family to watch over them both.  Six weeks ago, his health took an abrupt decline.  After a short hospital stay for gentle rehydration, we brought him home, showered him with love and attention, worked to get his words out as he examined his life in preparation for passing.  It was a tremendous honor and privilege to care for him in this manner.

Dad really was a remarkable man.  You have noted in the history of the IAIP, his four terms as president.  I had the honor of accompanying him to a number of IAIP Congresses, the last in Vilnius in 2008.  The following spring, Dad was invited to teach at Machon Adler in Israel and we spent a week there as dad taught and demonstrated Life Style Assessment – for five days, full morning and afternoon sessions.  That was his last such outing.  At 86 years old, he put on quite a performance.  As I reminded him, these last few weeks, the multiple times I said my final goodbyes, he really had a remarkable life and made tremendous contribution… to individuals, really to thousands or more through his writings and teaching.

As for the IAIP, he was always proud of the organization and its growth.  He told stories of his early days, how his first presidency was a compromise between the two continents, and how he was declared a dictator by some (he laughed at this) in his first term as he tried to run a meeting with rules and propose bylaws that had been lacking at that point.  After his fourth term, he declined a fifth as he felt he had both made his contribution and that to survive, an organization needed to develop new young leaders.  At least, that was his story, and he stuck to it.

It’s a sad time, but a joy to celebrate dad’s wonderful life.


Harold Mosak

Evanston, Illinois October. 29, 1921-June 1, 2018

The Adler University co-founder and Distinguished Service Professor, Dr. Harold Mosak, passed away Friday June 1st, 2018 at the age of 96 years.

With his mentor Rudolf Dreikurs, and colleagues including Bernard Shulman, Dr. Mosak founded the Alfred Adler Institute – today Adler University – in 1952. The three served as faculty and staff for the Institute, handling all daily tasks, from teaching classes to stuffing envelopes. With his colleagues, Dr. Mosak saw patients daily, taught nightly, and supervised and lectured in between.

Dr. Mosak is considered internationally one of the preeminent interpreters of Alfred Adler. Scores of Adlerians have been trained and supervised by Dr. Mosak across decades, and we and our students are fortunate that he taught across every iteration of our institution – from the Adler Institute to the Adler School to Adler University. Dr. Mosak wrote hundreds of articles and numerous books on Adlerian psychology. He also served as a trustee for most of our institution’s history – from 1963 until 2010. During that time, he served as our longest-serving Board Chair (1963, 1972-1999), and in 1984, as the institution’s interim president.

In the Adler Institute’s early years, Dr. Mosak founded the school’s library. Works by Adler and his students were hard to find, but he acquired them one-by-one and recruited students to the cause. His wife Birdie worked alongside him in to reach out to students and build the collection. Through their efforts, the library grew, and students from around the world came to study at Adler. In 2011, on the occasion of Dr. Mosak’s 90th birthday and through benefactors’ support, the University dedicated its modern library as the Harold and Birdie Mosak Library.

Dr. Mosak was among the first psychologists licensed in the United Stated and Illinois; his Illinois license number was 37. He was a diplomate in clinical psychology (ABPP), and he was a life member and fellow of the American Psychological Association. He completed an A.B. in psychology and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago. He also served in the United States Army Air Force (1943-1946).

Dr. Mosak retired from teaching at Adler University in 2015, but he continued to mentor his students. Our alum – young or old – could often be found sitting in consultation with him at the Presbyterian Homes in Evanston, his residence for the final few years of his life.

Harold was part of the Board of Trustees who hired me 15 years ago. I am enormously grateful for his generous mentorship – from our first conversations and tutoring that made me into an Adlerian, to his later counsel about the perils and joys of leading a school, to our visits after his retirement during which Harold continued to advise me on becoming a better president and a better person.

In 1982, Harold shared with the Board what he called A Purely Personal Position Paper on the Institute’s direction.

In the very earliest days, the size of the Board…equaled the number of students enrolled in some of the Institute classes. The Board met annually…because it needed only a single meeting to set the policy of the Institute for the year….. In 1963, as Director of Training, I laid the groundwork with the state of Illinois to have us designated as a post-secondary school….

Since then, we have grown in almost every way-faculty, students, budget, activities, library, and headaches-and in general, the Institute finds itself in good health.

At his retirement celebration in 2015 at the University’s Chicago Campus, Harold said, “I suspect Adler is smiling down on us today because of the things the people of the last 60 years have accomplished.” Earlier this week, Harold told Raymond E. Crossman that he continued to smile upon all of us, as we advance the important work he started.


Yair Hazán Trasante

October 31st, 1953, Colonia - May 6th, 2015, Montevideo

Yair Hazán Trasante (October 31st, 1953, Colonia – May 6th, 2015, Montevideo) was a professor, psychologist, Didactic Analyst and Honorary President of the Adlerian Study Centre. He was recognized as the natural leader in spreading Alfred Adler’s thought in the Spanish language; distinguished in the 26th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP) held in Paris – France in July 2014. Author of several scientific publications, a columnist for the “Periódico El Øtro Psi”, official newspaper of Universityof Buenos Aires and in the Newsletter of Adlerian Studies Centre.


He was born on October 31st, 1953 in Juan Lacaze, Department of Colonia on the River Plate. His father was a Mussulman from the Ottoman Empire and his mother was Uruguayan from an Italian family. He was the youngest of two sisters and one brother, as he said: son of old age. He grew up with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church values and as from his childhood he learnt to live with the religious diversity. He never denied the influence he had had from some priests from the Clergy and Salesians on his ethic, social and intellectual life.

Besides, coming from a workers leftist vanguard city, he took, as from, a very early age a compromised political position to finish with social injustice and violent attack of the dominant social classes.

In times of Uruguay military dictatorship he was discharged from teaching, suffering very serious physical, psychological and social attacks on part of the military.


1972When Rudolf Dreikurs died he became a member of a teaching formation with out knowing that his name existed. Besides, the same year the only book there was of Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs was proscribed, Como lograr la disciplina en el niño y en el adolescente (Original title: A Parents Guide to Child Discipline) writing in collaboration with Loren Grey, Paidos Editorial. He could not read it because as Prof. Hazan said in Homage to Rudolf Dreikurs(2009) in the University of the Republic with the special invitation from Dr. Eva Dreikurs Ferguson:

the imperialism hit us with dictatorships in all Latin America. And Adler and Dreikurs works were forbidden. Because Adler had been a social militant so had Dreikurs. And this was not looked on as a good thing by fascist authorities of the time () All the men on depth psychology are pages from the same book but Adler and Dreikurs gave us a peculiar contribution with the participation and the power to reach the valour of these other men. To leave the inferiority feeling which they have put on us but which we have been an accomplice and accepted it

1997When the democracy was re-established,the Center of Adlerian Studies was founded in the Pedagogic Museum of Montevideo – Uruguay, after more than ten years of preparation. It was sixty years since Adler had died and a centenary since Dreikurs’ birth.

2007 The first Adlerian Internacional Congress was organized: Everything could be different at the Kolping Institute Uruguay

2010 He went to University of El Salvador (UTEC) for the main lecture titled: How to avoid violence from Psychological point of view of Alfred Adler.

2011 He took part in 25th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP) at the University of Vienna and reburial of Alfred Adler’s ashes at the Central Cementary of Vienna.

He published a book as co-writer with Dr. Michael Titze (Germany) Fundamentals of DepthTeleologicalPsychology, Psicolibros Editorial.

2012-2013 He took part in various congresses and seminars organized by Federación Uruguaya de Psicoterapia (Fupsi) and Symposium of University extension given by Adlerian Center Studies, free and open to all the public.

2014 He took part  at 26th Congress of the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP)  in Paris.

He founded the first course en permanent formation of Compared Adlerian Psychology at the University of the Republic.

Eternal remembrances

According to Clemente Estable: to remember is such a surprising miracle like creation. Remembering is to go back to a little dreamt reality.  Memory is light of life and in this light the day remains at night () It is the only thing reversible in time, which matures the experience.  To remember the best is an exercise in refinery because the best can only be remembered by the best of ourselves.

His life should be translated as one of a man of good works, essentially in favour of the most humble, the most needed should benefit from his help, advice and counselling  of the most diverse  fields. His culture was so ample there, that it went from  the most practical and aplicable knowledge to the most abstract. We can be convinced that his, “as if”, the icon of the archetype of the “old wiseman”.

The Adlerian Studies Centre (CEA) will continue his works because the seed has being sown in fertile ground the people are involved in improving his work, challenge which will imply redoubling the effort and preparation.

Funeral services and necropolis

His ashes were strewn to the wind, complying with his will. The chosen place was “The lighthouse of Punta Carretaof Montevideo, on the River Plate because it meant that the name Yaír is “illuminate”. Orange gerberas flowers were thrown and the poem “The Calling” byRabindranath Tagore was read and the emotive letter from our dear Adlerian friend Alyson Schafer.

The Memory is inscribed forever in the message which we sent from the Board of CEA on the day of his decease:

Mister Didactic Analyst Prof. Yaír Hazán has left us and will always remain with us on Wednesday the 06 of May 2015. The best of him is in each one of us who had him as a professor, psychotherapist and friend with a common goal: “help people to be free and responsible”and expand the message of Adlerian thought. He never went on holiday and when they asked  him why, he liked to say as Don Bosco: “I will rest when I die”. Now he is resting in peace.

Centros de Estudios Adlerianos



Robert Leonard Powers

Port Townsend, WA Dec. 29, 1929-April 23, 2013

The Rev. Robert L. Powers, priest of the Episcopal Church and licensed clinical psychologist, died on April 23, 2013 in Seattle, WA following a long, multifaceted illness. He was a 15-year resident of Port Townsend, WA and a communicant at St. Paul’s Church.

He was born on December 29, 1929 in Buffalo, N.Y., son of Leonard Philip and Amelia Isabelle (Probst) Powers. The religious values of his Irish Catholic and German Protestant grandparents, and also of his Jewish grandmother-by-affection, inspired his ministerial studies. He attended Capital University, Columbus, Ohio (BA), Yale University Divinity School (MDiv), attended the General Seminary of the Episcopal Church, NY, NY, and studied with Father Eligius Buytaert at the Franciscan Institute, Olean, NY.

Powers was made a deacon in 1956 by Bishop Lauriston Livingston Scaife of the Diocese of Western New York and Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski of the Old Catholic (Polish National) Church, and was ordained a priest in 1957. He served in Olean, NY, and Elkhart, IN, and as priest-in-charge of the Episcopal Church Center and All Saints Chapel in Chicago’s Loop.

In Chicago, Powers began his studies in psychology at the Alfred Adler Institute (now the Adler School of Professional Psychology) where he earned a certificate in psychotherapy under the direction of Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs. Continuing at the University of Chicago, he completed a master’s degree in religion and personality. In 1972, he passed the examinations in Illinois for licensure as a clinical psychologist. He joined the faculty of the Adler School, taught at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL, counseled former prisoners at St. Leonard’s House, and for fifteen years counseled families monthly in a public setting at the Adler School. In 1995, he was designated Distinguished Service Professor by the School. He retired as professor emeritus.

Powers was a board member of the Illinois Division of the American Civil Liberties Union, president of the Chicago Chapter of the Episcopal Society for Cultural and Racial Unity, and was in Selma, AL with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., during the civil rights struggle. He served as president of the Chicago Psychological Association (now the Illinois Psychological Association) and as president of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP).

He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Jane Serrill Griffith, a licensed clinical counselor. Together, they conducted a private practice in Chicago, taught at the Adler School, coauthored articles and texts in the psychology of Alfred Adler, and traveled widely in the U.S. and abroad, teaching and lecturing. In 2011, at its annual conference, NASAP presented the society’s Lifetime Achievement Award to them jointly for their contributions to Adlerian psychology.

Powers is also survived by three children from his former marriage: Sarah Amelia Knight (Daniel), Oak Park, IL; Rachel Anna Powers (Steven Mesler), Seattle, WA; John Edward James Panaioti Powers (fiancée Jennifer Bostic), NY, NY; his four grandchildren: Matthew and Helen Knight and Sebastian and Sophia Mesler; and his three stepsons: William John Bell (Joanne), Floyd, VA; Bruce Griffith Rushing (Christina), Acworth, NH; Robert Kyger Rushing (Kim) of Seattle, WA; his six step-grandchildren: Bradley Sime, Darcie Luster, Samuel Bell, Sierra Bell, Grace Rushing, and Sylvie Rushing; and his two step-great-grandchildren, Marissa and Colton Sime. He was preceded in death by his sole sibling, Thomas Philip Powers.

The funeral service was held at Thomsen Chapel, Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle, WA with the Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel, Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, presiding, assisted by The Rev. Irene Watanabe.

Donations may be made in memoriam to the Robert L. Powers Scholarship Fund, Adler School of Professional Psychology, 17 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60602; or Episcopal Relief and Development, 815 Second Ave., 7th Floor, NY, NY 10017.


NASH, Edna May (nee McDermid)

November 2, 1922 - April 30, 2012

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Edna May Nash on April 30, 2012. Edna passed away suddenly at her home from heart failure during the course of a courageous battle with pulmonary fibrosis. Edna is survived by her loving partner Al Tranfield, her daughters Sylvia Martin (Terry), Rosemary, Barbara (Ted Ansbacher), son Gregory (Susan), grandchildren Greg, Regan, Mark, Charles, Emily, Zachary and Spencer and great grandchildren Justine, Summer and Iileitia.

In 1886 Edna’s grandparents came to B.C. from Ontario and settled in Parksville on Vancouver Island. Her mother Harriett was born in 1889 and went to school at the age of 2 so the school would have enough students to qualify for a grant. On July 22, 1908 Harriett married Edna’s father William McDermid, in 1909 Edna’s only sister Grace was born and soon thereafter the family started farming in Parksville. Edna was born in Parksville November 2, 1922 and within a few years showed amazing talent as an athlete, winning many track and field awards. In preparation for her athletic events Edna’s father timed her run to the back field to round up the cows and return them to the barn. Edna was one of only two students in her grade 12 class, both of whom went on to university. Edna’s father passed away suddenly in 1940, just as Edna was leaving the farm to attend UBC.

In October, 1943 Edna met Bernard Nash and they were married within two months, on December 27, 1943. Children soon followed. Along with millions of others in the post-war era, Edna and Bernard built and shared a life together founded on common values, commitment, love, family, the Church and community involvement. They lived and raised their family in West Vancouver where Bernard had settled with his family in the 1920s.

In 1956, with Bernard practicing law and 4 children at home (ages 4, 7, 9 and 11), Edna returned to her teaching career. While she taught full time, she completed her Bachelors of Education and Masters in Counselling Psychology through night and summer school courses. Edna loved teaching, her students and all of the extracurricular activities, including coaching field hockey, volleyball and track and field. Edna became a Registered Psychologist and then, in 1985, took early retirement from her position as an Area Counsellor in the Vancouver School District to pursue a private practice.

Edna’s psychology practice thrived. She also taught at the University of British Columbia and introduced distant televised Education and Psychology courses through the Knowledge Network. She presented at many international conferences including the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) of which she served as President. For many decades she attended and taught at the annual International Committee of Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes (ICASSI) around the world. She was a founding member of the Adlerian Psychology Association of British Columbia and became an admired leader in the field of Adlerian Psychology, classroom management and family education.

Edna and Bernard had been married for 53 years when Bernard passed away in 1996. Edna continued to lead a full life with her psychology practice, community involvement and participation in conferences well into her eighties. Then in 2007, a mutual childhood friend introduced Edna to Al Tranfield, a childhood school mate. Al and Edna had not seen each other in 68 years. From their first meeting they were inseparable, having a deep and abiding love for each other and sharing Al’s sailboat the “Ardea”, the joy of music, family celebrations, morning puzzles over breakfast, their apartment view and many other simple joys of life. Al brought pure happiness to Edna’s life and gave her loving care over those 4 1⁄2 years, and particularly through the challenges of her illness.

Edna will be remembered for her love for all people, her encouragement of others and her commitment to making this world a better and more peaceful place. She was inspired by everyone. Her passion, compassion and social interest moved her to contribute relentlessly to the broader community throughout her life. She truly wanted life to last forever. As she said in her final days, “It has been such a good time!!”

A special thanks to Dr. Virani, Dr. Swiston and Leah Christoff and the outstanding cardiology and respirology teams at VGH for their care and treatment of Edna through her illness.
A celebration of Edna’s life will be held on June 2, 2012, 11:30 am at St. Anthony’s Church at 2347 Inglewood Ave., West Vancouver BC. The family intends to establish a foundation and/or scholarship in Edna’s memory. In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Nash & Company “In Trust” for the Edna Nash Family Education Fund. (Suite 3013, Three Bentall Centre, 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC, V7X 1C4). Thank you to all.