Dr. Bernard Shulman, co-founder of Adler University, died November 24, 2018 at age 96.

One the most important scholars, practitioners, and teachers to advance Adlerian psychology, Dr. Shulman wrote more than 100 articles and books about Adlerian practice, and traveled the world lecturing about Alfred Adler.

His son Robert shared some words with us:

Dad saw his last patient in the office on his 91st birthday.  The day after his 92nd birthday, he suffered a heart attack followed by a stroke while in intensive care.  However, after a rehabilitation stint, he returned to the home he shared with mom since 1956, now always with a member of the family to watch over them both.  Six weeks ago, his health took an abrupt decline.  After a short hospital stay for gentle rehydration, we brought him home, showered him with love and attention, worked to get his words out as he examined his life in preparation for passing.  It was a tremendous honor and privilege to care for him in this manner.

Dad really was a remarkable man.  You have noted in the history of the IAIP, his four terms as president.  I had the honor of accompanying him to a number of IAIP Congresses, the last in Vilnius in 2008.  The following spring, Dad was invited to teach at Machon Adler in Israel and we spent a week there as dad taught and demonstrated Life Style Assessment – for five days, full morning and afternoon sessions.  That was his last such outing.  At 86 years old, he put on quite a performance.  As I reminded him, these last few weeks, the multiple times I said my final goodbyes, he really had a remarkable life and made tremendous contribution… to individuals, really to thousands or more through his writings and teaching.

As for the IAIP, he was always proud of the organization and its growth.  He told stories of his early days, how his first presidency was a compromise between the two continents, and how he was declared a dictator by some (he laughed at this) in his first term as he tried to run a meeting with rules and propose bylaws that had been lacking at that point.  After his fourth term, he declined a fifth as he felt he had both made his contribution and that to survive, an organization needed to develop new young leaders.  At least, that was his story, and he stuck to it.

It’s a sad time, but a joy to celebrate dad’s wonderful life.