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Member Organizations Conferences and Congresses

This section provides overview about past and upcoming member organizations conferences and congresses.

Centro de Estudios Adlerianos- Uruguay. 2023 Conference

Centro de Estudios Adlerianos- Uruguay held its conference on May 17, 2023 at the University of Uruguay, School of Psychology. The topic was “Therapeutic Metaphor in Adlerian Psychology.”

Alfred Adler Center International *AACI) celebrated its 10th anniversary

CHRISTIAN RAPP presented “ALFRED ADLER AND HIS CIRCLE – BETWEEN PSYCHE AND POLIS” on May 11, 2023, at the Alfred Adler Centre International at Hernalser Hauptstraße 15, 1170 Vienna.
Of the three founders of the most famous Viennese psychotherapeutic schools, Freud, Adler, and Frankl, Alfred Adler was the one who was most consistently concerned with politics – both as a scientist and as a private citizen. Early on, he joined the Social Democrats, and just as early, he began to interpret various political phenomena psychologically. Within his own family, he had to deal with different forms of socialism, and some of his most important students favored him, not least because of his politically more progressive attitude toward Sigmund Freud. The lecture addressed aspects of political psychology in the work and life of Alfred Adler and his circle, as much as his clinical work. Dr. Christian Rapp, is a cultural scientist, exhibition curator, and lecturer at the University of Vienna, the University of Applied Arts and the Art, and the New Design University St. Pölten. Since January, 2018 he is a scientific director of the House of History at the Museum of Lower Austria. Together with Hannes Leidinger, he authored “Hitler – formative years” (2020), and with Hannes Leidinger and Birgit Mosser-Schuöcker “Freud-Adler-Frankl” (2022).

Lithuanian Association of Individual Psychology

On March 4, 2023, on the initiative of Lithuanian AIP, the annual live conference was held at the “Green Vilnius Hotel” in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The conference topic was “Adlerism in Creativity: About the Expression of Human Individuality and Belongingness in Art.” There was a Plenary part and live workshops. Fifty participants took part in the conference.

Taiwanese Society of Adlerian Psychology (TSAP)

held its annual conference on February 11, 2023 in Tapei, Taiwan, with 150 attendees, with the theme “Healing: The Practice of Holistic Care in Adlerian Psychology.”

Hungarian Association of Individual Psychology

held its annual conference on the topic “Change, dynamics, consequence” in Budapest on November 25-26, 2022.

On April 16, 2023, the Hungarian Association of Individual Psychology (MIPE) organized an online meeting with Kenessey née Maria Szuhányi (Zürich), inviting the first generation (refounding of MIPE in 1991) IP teachers and tutors who were learning Individual Psychology from her
legendary first education group 1991-1992. Maria came from a landowner family and was defrauded of possessions under the communist regime; her father worked as a night watchman, and she immigrated to Switzerland in 1956, where she had an opportunity to learn Individual Psychology. The session was a thoroughly enjoyable meeting, ”pupils” asked Maria, recalled both sides old memories, and together learned how much influence the training had impacted their later life and used the teaching method. The aim was outside nostalgic hours the reactivation of old members’ activities too.

Adler University

Adler University held its annual Adlerian summit, “Adlerian Psychology: What Works,” with 100 people in attendance, both in-person and virtually.

Adlerian Society UK Institute for Individual Psychology (ASIIP)

held its annual Spring Conference on March 17 and 18, 2023, in the glorious setting of Chicheley Hall. Marina Bluvshtein led us into a series of workshops and talks about Social Justice.

50th anniversary of The Adlerian Psychology Association of BC

The Adlerian Psychology Association of BC celebrated our 50th anniversary with a reception at the Sylvia Hotel in Vancouver. It was a lovely afternoon of cake, coffee and live music enjoyed by many!

Japanese Society of Adleria Psychology

Japanese Society of Adleria Psychology held its 40th conference in Hiroshima on October 13-15, 2023. 152 people attended the conference (86 in person and 67 online). These are a few highlights of the event: One year from the commencement of EOLECT, a new parenting course, towards the future; An interview with Ms Sanae Hasegawa, German-Japanese translator of some of Alfred Adler’s German original books; and a great discussion “Is encouragement really possible?”

The DGIP Congress was held in Cologne on October 28-29, 2022

The theme was: ” Parting hurts!? Connecting and separating”.
We had very good presentations on the mechanization of psychotherapy and technological humanism, on climate change, the critique of the Bowlby attachment theory, on the specific nature of analytic therapy versus disorder-specific methods.
Many working groups were very well attended. There were about 200 therapists and counselors, at least 25% of them young people in training to become psychotherapists, at all 7 institutes in the Federal Republic. 3 large lectures were given by Austrians and were very well received.
We had great weather, up to 25 degrees Celsius, and the after-work party took place partly outside until late at night. So that not everyone just sat in the building, we had groups that were guided through Cologne with explanations of the sights (we couldn’t get into the cathedral, there was a demonstration in favor of Iran) and then in our rooms in the institutes we gave an introduction to the profession-specific self-experience for child and youth therapists. Everyone wants to come back and also participate in lectures and working groups.
These are the pictures of some of the speakers, from young to old.

The Second Latin-American Adlerian Congress October (1-2, 2022)

The Second Latin-American Adlerian Congress was held virtually. It was supported by the Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology (Asociación Española de Psicología Adleriana). The Congress topic was The Adlerian Life Tasks. 90 participants from 14 countries attended. Participants were from the United States, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Panamá, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Chile, Brasil, Argentina, Spain, Uruguay, and Mexico.

The XXIX National Congress of the Società Italiana di Psicologia Individuale (SIPI, October 21-23, 2022)

SIPI was held in Florence, Italy. The Conference topic was “Coppie, famiglie, e collettivita. Le costellazioni attuali. (Couples, families, and collectivity: The modern constellations). 220 participants attended, and the congress ended in the beautiful setting of Florence. The keynote speakers were Prof Rovera IAP Past President and Prof Fassino SIPI Honorary President and outstanding Italian colleagues. Intriguing parts of the Congress were discussion groups on topics related to the main topic such as the new identities, the relationships in the virtual age, the new lifestyles, and the social feeling in today’s culture.