For the first time, the Blanquerna School for Psychology, Educational Sciences and Sports of Ramon Llull University in Barcelona (Spain) is offering a university-specific master’s degree in Adlerian Counseling, under the coordination of Professor Ursula Oberst with Dr. Anabella Shaked as director of studies. 

Pre-inscription is open; the course will start in October 2019 and last two years with a total of 60 ECTS credits, 40 of which will be offered online and 20 as face-to-face training on weekends. Students can choose in which city they want to complete the 20 face-to-face modules dedicated to intervention practices: Madrid (Spain), Lima (Perú) or Guatemala City (Guatemala).
This program has the support of Adler University of Chicago (USA) and the International Committee of Adlerian Summer Schools and Institutes (ICASSI). An agreement is made with the Adler Institute of Peru and the Latin American Association of Adlerian Psychology (ALAPA) of Guatemala, thus enabling the face-to-face modules to be held in Europe as well as in Latin America.

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