October 31, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

This is our October 2022 news update, with lots of good news and all the best wishes.

We are writing to you with an update on the IAIP and its Board’s current activities and future plans. As promised, we will stay connected with you, and these regular updates will be one way of staying in touch. We also want to share with you some of the news from the member organizations.
Since the time of our last update, the Board met for its regular meeting twice, in September and in October, focusing on membership issues, banking, preparing for the 2024 Congress, and most importantly at this time – preparing the IAIP November 2022 conference “Meet the Sections”.

Some of the ongoing business:

The Board Treasurer Michaela Stacher-Linhart continues to streamline our banking and keep our budget strong and compliant.
The Board Vice President Ursula Oberst continues her work in optimizing the Board archives.The Board Secretary-General Giansecondo Mazzoli continues his leading role in planning the 2022 IAIP conference built by and around the section(s) work.

This is what you will find in this issue:

1. The November 19, 2022, Conference Update
2. News from the Alfred Adler Institute of New York
3. News about member organizations’ activities
4. This Month … In 1974. A window with a view (October 1974 IAIP newsletter)

Meet the Sections
November 19, 2022, Conference Update

The conference is coming soon, less than three weeks from now, and we have a great strong registration thus far, with more than 100 participants from 26 countries registered.
The Board made slight updates to the conference length -it will last 3.5 hours instead of four hours.
Grant Opportunity from the Alfred Adler Institute of New York.
We received this news from Ellen Mendel, the President of the Alfred Adler Institute of New York.
First Alfred Adler Institute of New York Grants for Teaching Adlerian Psychology available. Awards of up to $5,000 will be awarded to institutes and other nonprofit Adlerian organizations both in the U.S. and internationally. The grants will be awarded on the basis of the originality and worthiness of the project. Think about projects like teaching Adlerian parenting techniques to families or using Adlerian traditions in working with youth, pre-marital education, or Adlerian support groups for recent refugees, etc. The deadline for returning the Application forms to the Institute is December 15, 2022. Grants will be awarded in the early part of 2023. The link to the application is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OzbBrL-RB7g15qcyWm2WeO9OtI-gKfEG/view

2:00 PM (Central European time) – conference starts. The conference zoom space will open 15 minutes earlier.

2:00- 2:25 – The IAIP President Marina Bluvshtein: Introduction and a lecture Individual Psychology from its birth to 2022 and for the next 100 years: Resisting tyranny and promoting humanity.

2:25 – 3:15 – Wilfried Datler: Plurality in Individual Psychological approaches and the importance of dealing with them. A lecture followed by the interview conducted by Ursula Oberst. Please send us your questions for Wilfried.

3:15 – 3:30 – coffee break

3:30 – 5:00 PM – Section time: Zoom breakout groups – see more details at https://adler-iaip.net/conferences/

5:00 – 5:30 PM Open discussion facilitated by Giansecondo Mazzoli and Michaela Stacher-Linhart.
Please mark your calendar, register to attend, and share the conference details with your colleagues. The registration link is https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArcuqhrD8iGtREk_HRhS2P8DWng7-sPiS7

Grant Opportunity from the Alfred Adler Institute of New York.

We received this news from Ellen Mendel, the President of the Alfred Adler Institute of New York.

First Alfred Adler Institute of New York Grants for Teaching Adlerian Psychology available. Awards of up to $5,000 will be awarded to institutes and other nonprofit Adlerian organizations both in the U.S. and internationally. The grants will be awarded on the basis of the originality and worthiness of the project. Think about projects like teaching Adlerian parenting techniques to families or using Adlerian traditions in working with youth, pre-marital education, or Adlerian support groups for recent refugees, etc. The deadline for returning the Application forms to the Institute is December 15, 2022. Grants will be awarded in the early part of 2023. The link to the application is https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OzbBrL-RB7g15qcyWm2WeO9OtI-gKfEG/view

Conferences/Congresses/Other News from Member Organizations

This Autumn was (still is) a very busy time for many IAIP members organizations.

October 1-2, 2022. The Second Latin-American Adlerian Congress was held virtually supported by the Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology (Asociación Española de Psicología Adleriana). The Congress topic was The Adlerian Life Tasks. 90 participants from 14 countries attended.

October 14-16, 2022. The 39th Annual Congress of Adlerian Psychology was held in Nagoya, Japan, by the Japanese Society of Adlerian Psychology (JSAP). The Congress theme was Toward a New Journey. 160 participants attended, with 79 in-person ad 81 virtually.

October 21-23, 2022. The XXIX National Congress of the Società Italiana di Psicologia Individuale (SIPI) was held in Florence, Italy. The Conference topic was “Coppie, famiglie, e collettivita. Le costellazioni attuali. (Couples, families, and collectivity: The modern constellations). 220 participants attended, and the congress ended in the beautiful setting of Florence. Keynote speakers were Prof Rovera IAP Past President and Prof Fassino SIPI Honorary President and outstanding Italia colleagues. Intriguing parts of the Congress were discussion groups on topics related to the main topic such as the new identities, the relationships in the virtual age, the new lifestyles and the social feeling in today’s culture

October 27-29, 2022. The annual conference was held in Cologne, Germany by the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Individualpsychologie e. V. (DGIP). Theme: “Scheiden tut weh!? Sich
verbinden und sich trennen” (“Divorce hurts!? Connecting and Disconnecting”)

Coming up! On November 25-26th the Hungarian Association of Individual Psychology (MIPE), will hold its annual conference with the title “Change-Dynamics-Consequences “. The Society was founded in 1927 and is celebrating its 95th birthday.

The Journal of Individual Psychology, a NASAP publication, is inviting manuscripts for its special issue on Tyranny and Wars. The submission deadline is February 15, 2023. For more details and with any questions, please email mbluvshtein@adler.edu

We are creating a special webpage for local and regional Adlerian news. If you want your news to be placed on that webpage or shared in the next Board news update, please write to us. We would like our website to be speaking in your voice. Just send me a brief (100 words maximum) description, and/or an image, a weblink if any – and we will get it to our website and our social media feeds. Or you can tag us with @InternationalAssociationofIndividualPsychology and we will share your news.

This Month … in 1974

The September/October 1974, issue of the Individual Psychology News Letter (IPNL) is packed with food for hearts and thought-provoking updates. Here is a good one below –

In 1918, Vienna Social Democrat Alfred Adler wrote that “the rule of Bolshevism is based on the possession of power. Thus, its fate is sealed”. In our day, the humanist socialist Erich Fromm referred to Stalin’s “fraudulent facsimile of socialism”. Every -ism is a danger of becoming prostituted. Each one of us should ask himself as an Adlerian every day, if he is a pioneer in wiping out his striving for personal power and in the education for a genuine community which was Adler’s goal.
IPNL, September/October 1974, V23(5), p.93.

This is all for now.

You can write to all four of us at info@adler-iaip.net or to any one of us individually if you want.
As a team, we will take time to discuss any of your feedback – in writing, or in a video meeting.
Please share this letter with members of your organization.


IAIP President Marina Bluvshtein, PhD (USA) Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist NASAP Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology Professor & Director, Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship, Adler University

IAIP Vice President Prof. Dr. Ursula Oberst (Spain)
General Health Psychologist (certified) and Adlerian Psychotherapist
President of Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology – A.E.P.A
Psychology Professor at Ramon Llull University Barcelona

IAIP Secretary General Dr. Giansecondo Mazzoli (Italy)
Adlerian Psychoanalyst and Supervisor
President of the Italian Society of Individual Psychology

IAIP Treasurer Michaela Stacher-Linhart, MA (Austria)
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adlerian Psychoanalyst
Board member of the Austrian Society of Individual Psychology