March 1, 2022


Dear Colleagues!


Below you will find a letter we have received from Zoryana Koshulynska, president of the Ukrainian Association of Individual Psychology (UAIP).


The letter was written under the constant threat of bombardment and missile attack, under the threat of annihilation.


Please take time to read this brief letter and see that the address is in Ukraine, and so Ukraine and Ukrainian people keep fighting for their land and standing strong in supporting each other. The street address on the letter is “Kulparkivska St”. The real street address is Freedom Square, quoting today’s speech by the Ukrainian President before the European Parliament.


Please know that the IAIP Board, the entire organization, and Adlerians around the world continue to stand in support of our Ukrainian colleagues, their families, their neighbors. Please stand with us in condemning the war. Find the ways to be useful – in bringing Adlerian anti-war history and values to all the places you go, in supporting colleagues who will embark on dealing with the psychological horror of the war when it ends, in education for those who need and seek more knowledge, in mutual solidarity.


When we stand together on the most salient issues of today, in many voices and one immortal theory, wisdom will prevail.



IAIP President Marina Bluvshtein, PhD (USA)

Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

NASAP Certified Adlerian Psychotherapist

NASAP Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology

Assistant Professor & Director, Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship, Adler University


IAIP Vice President Prof. Dr. Ursula Oberst (Spain)

General Health Psychologist (certified) and Adlerian Psychotherapist

President of Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology – A.E.P.A

Psychology Professor at Ramon Llull University Barcelona


IAIP Secretary General Dr. Giansecondo Mazzoli (Italy)

Adlerian Psychoanalyst and Supervisor

President of Italian Society of Individual Psychology


IAIP Treasurer Michaela Stacher-Linhart, MA (Austria)

Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adlerian Psychoanalyst

Board member of the Austrian Society of Individual Psychology ter International


March 1, 2022

Dear Adlerian community

First of all, we would like to thank you for your position and support regarding the situation in our country. To date, as a result of Russia’s criminal military actions, we have faced catastrophic disasters – human losses, destroyed homes, schools, hospitals. Despite this, our spirit is stronger than ever, the whole country is working together. We urge you to promote this by actively expressing your position, disseminating it and communicating it in an adequate form that will reflect the reality of our country today! We believe that professional communities like ours have a strong power to unite people according to their values and views, so we see a responsibility to make our messages heard as widely as possible! Today, Russia has threatened our humanity, our peace and tranquility, and we are talking not only about Ukraine, but about the world as a whole.

Zoryana Koshulynska, president of Ukrainian Association
Individual Psychology (UAIP)

Letter as PDF