May 6, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

There is so much good news – it makes it hard to know where to start!

We have now received most of your annual reports and membership dues and started having a good discussion during the last Board meeting about what you shared with us about your work in 2022 and what your wishes are for the organization in 2023 and beyond. Congratulations to all newly elected and reelected presidents and liaison officers of the member organizations!

Many of you had your first post-pandemic in-person or blended conferences and congresses with inspiring topics and great attendance.  These are just a few conference titles from all over the world – “Adlerism in Creativity: About the Expression of Human Individuality and Belongingness in Art” (Lithuanian Association of Individual Psychology), “Healing: The Practice of Holistic Care in Adlerian Psychology” (Taiwanese Society of Adlerian Psychology),” Parting hurts!? Connecting and separating” (DGIP), “Couples, families, and collectivity: The modern constellations” (SIPI), “The three life tasks “(AEPA), “Adler in Action: The role of IP in social justice” (ASIIP).  There was also an important anniversary, with a celebration – The Adlerian Psychology Association of BC (APABC) celebrated its 50th anniversary with a reception, a special cake, and live music.

Thank you to all who shared brief descriptions and photos of your events. You can now enjoy a great kaleidoscope of these and other annual events at

Speaking about celebrations, the Alfred Adler Centre International in Vienna (AACI), the official home of IAIP, will be hosting its 10th-anniversary event on May 11 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.  This is a link (or try ) to the event details, speakers, and of course, we will be waiting for many photographs and will be sharing those with you.

Another AACI event will feature Prof. Pawel Dybels from the Polish Academy of Sciences, who will present “Adler Goes International – The Beginnings of Individual Psychology in the Former Galicia” on May 15, 2023, at 7:30 pm Central European time. The lecture will be in German, with the online option and simultaneous English translation via projection available. The event is organized in cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna and the Polish Alfred Adler Foundation for Individual Psychology ( Here is the Zoom link for the event:  Meeting-ID: 330 330 8990.

Some more interesting news from the member organizations: NASAP will hold its annual conference in Denver, Colorado, June 1-4, with the theme “Changemaking: Everything can be different.” See more information at

Alfred Adler Institute of New York completed its inaugural round of the grant award process. We will keep you posted when the second round becomes available later this year.

Are you looking for new IP reading? Follow the Facebook page of our colleagues from NWIP @ADLER’s psychologie NEDERLAND – GEMEENSCHAPSGEVOEL Between the posts by Adrie van der Horst & Willy Hoestra, you are practically guaranteed to find something that will excite you.

Our thoughts are with our Ukrainian colleagues. The Institute of Individual Psychology (Lviv) colleagues are involved in many mental health projects focused on helping civilians and military personnel in dealing with the physical and emotional trauma of war. See a powerful video about the project “Unbroken” You can see our colleague Oleh Berezyuk in that video.

The 29th International Congress of Individual Psychology preparations are underway, and you should see a call for proposals (and much more) in your inboxes in about two weeks. The call for proposals will come to you from our DGIP colleagues. We all can’t wait to start seeing your abstracts

As you read this newsletter, please respond to the two teasers (email your responses to one of us) – the winners will be announced in the next newsletter.

  1. About the lecture of Pawel Dybels – how is Galicia significant in the development of Individual Psychology?
  2. About the photo images on the top of the newsletter – can you correctly name the origins of at least three images?

Finally, this month … in 1978

The May/June 1978 issue of the Individual Psychology News Letter (IPNL) is as thought-provoking as most of the IPNL are. For the readers’ inspiration and enrichment, there are Gerard Farley’s “Adler and Spinoza,” Willard Beecher’s last letter to the IPNL, and the fairly provocative “Le Coin du Rire” with some quotes from the British National Front. The quote below is for you, hopefully, to thoroughly enjoy.

This is all for now.

You can write to all four of us at or to any one of us individually if you want.  As a team, we will take time to discuss any of your feedback – in writing or in a video meeting.

Please share this letter with members of your organization


IAIP President Marina Bluvshtein, PhD (USA)
Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
NASAP Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology Professor & Director, Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship, Adler University

IAIP Vice President Prof. Dr. Ursula Oberst (Spain)
General Health Psychologist (certified) and Adlerian Psychotherapist
President of Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology – A.E.P.A
Psychology Professor at Ramon Llull University Barcelona

IAIP Secretary General Dr. Giansecondo Mazzoli (Italy)
Adlerian Psychoanalyst and Supervisor
President of the Italian Society of Individual Psychology 

IAIP Treasurer Michaela Stacher-Linhart, MA (Austria)
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adlerian Psychoanalyst
Board member of the Austrian Society of Individual Psychology