In the “Studies and Researches” opening section, we publish an exceptional and original novelty, written by Alfred Adler in 1929 in “Zeitschrift für Individualpsychologie”, the first Adlerian periodical founded by Alfred Adler in 1914 in Vienna.

Alfred Adler gives us an anonymous historian Editorial, titled “Advice for the consultant. From a great man”, in which he faces with ironic and biting style the topical theme of “counter-fiction”, i.e. the masking with which the human being tends to conceal the turn into the opposite of the shameful feeling of inferiority.

About the same theme we also publish another wonderful article titled “Fictions, counter-fiction and magic”, written approximately, one hundred years later, by Henry T. Stein, prompt and attentive Adlerian follower.

After that, you can enjoy an article titled “Active control of transference and counter-transference in psychodynamically oriented short-term therapy”, written by Michael Titze, who describes the characteristic features of psychodynamically oriented short-term in order to present an unconventional or even paradoxical method that diverges from standard psychoanalytic procedure.

We then offer you a very interesting study made by Andrés Buschiazzo, titled “The memories: useful fictions”, in accordance with the Loftus’s claims about the reconstruction and deforming work of the first memories.

The “Studies and Researches” section is closed, finally, by the article “The cognitive leap of homo sapiens in the middle-upper paleolithic: a point of view from a paleoanthropological and Adlerian dynamic-cognitive/constructivist perspective”, written by Cosimo Varriale, in which the Author highlights the substantial correspondences between the Adlerian dynamic-constructivist model and the Darwinian bio-evolutionary one.

In the “Art and Society” section Chiara Scaratti proposes a topical theme by writing an article titled “Play or be awake? Gambling between fiction and compensation”, where the Author underlines how gambling is a growing phenomenon, that represents a social problem involving not only the player, but also his family, his social context, and the whole community.

Marco Tosi in the “Comparisons” section with the article “What is Mindfulness” deepens the technique, now consolidated, developed by some Western psychiatrists who were inspired by Eastern meditation practices.

Finally, in the “Meetings and Interviews” section we are honored to host Vittorio Cigoli, who has been Full Professor of Clinical Psychology of Couple and Family Relationships at the Faculty of Psychology at the Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, Milan as well as Director of the Postgraduate School of Psychology “A. Gemelli”. Our questions have stimulated him to reflect on family bodies, on Generational Clinic Interview, on despairing ties, on couple therapy, on parenting in same-sex couples.