The key tenet of Individual Psychology that is relevant today is the unity of personality – unity of its mindset, feelings, actions in all of its complex and always social manifestations. Adlerian psychotherapy is based on the conviction that mental health of an individual depends on Social Interest, which is an ability of an individual to activate their Gemeinschaftsgefühl, a feeling of a community, of being the one with the humankind. Healthy individual is the one who who is capable of personal feelings and cognitive assumptions that are socially useful. A healthy individual has a feeling of belonging to a humankind, and acts in a way that is community-oriented and socially useful. Individual Psychology sees a core of psychopathology in underdeveloped communal feeling and lack of Social Interest.
The 28th Congress of International Association of Individual Psychology will provide an opportunity to learn everlasting wisdom of Alfred Adler’s “Individual” Psychology and its approach to understanding human nature, and to discuss the solutions it can offer to healing of new psychopathologies in contemporary societies.
Hosted by the Ukrainian Society of Individual Psychology, on behalf of the International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP).
Dates: Pre-congress July 10, 2020. Congress July 11-15th, 2020.
Venue: Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Universytetska Street 1, Lviv, Ukraine
Language: English
Registration: Please register at https://bit.ly/2P2JWNb by February 29th, 2020 to get an early bird registration discount.
Please, note that all approved presenters have to register to the Congress in the same way as all the other participants and complete their registration by the early bird deadline in order to be included in the Congress program. With questions about registration, please email
at congress2020ip@gmail.com