Location : Les diaconesses de Reuilly
18 rue du Sergent Bauchat, 75012, Paris, France
Date: July 9 – 13, 2014
Precarity, as Camus once wrote , is constitutive of the human condition but the context of life, economic brutality, social isolation and personal problems considerably worsen this state and this impression and make them unbearable. Insecurity can be understood at two different levels”: a level of uncertainty, instability and a level of deficiency and poverty.
Should we talk about a clinical analysis of precarity as well as of violence, we would have to go back to the coarse dimension of its syndromic elements : break-up, failure in relationships and in self-perception, deficiencies in toddlers’developments. The approach in psychological care is primarily unifying in terms of personal and community history and is associated with all sorts of actions avoiding social, cultural or economic breaks: also , they are directly involved in the treatment of the object at the root of precarity, and of violence. This unique approach requires the close association of psychological and socio-educational treatment.
As H.Schaffer wrote, two problems pervade Adler’s works: “How can we understand the difficulty of this particular subject – (problem of knowledge) and how to remedy his error (problem of action).
In 2013 -We will celebrate the centenary of Alfred Adler’s work “Heilen und Bilden”, “Healing and Training”, an essential guide in our practices, – which encourages us to re examine these issues.
Case material from therapeutic, counseling and educational practitioners will be presented in small groups; Acting as moderators, Individual Psychologists from various associations will chair these groups, where questions pertaining to the many aspects and nuances of Individual Psychology may be addressed.
Language of the congress: English.
Panel discussions would be simultaneously translated into French, German and Italian.
Social program
July 9th, 7 pm: Welcome reception
July 10th, 9 am: Pre-congress
3pm: Opening ceremony
July 11th, 5.15 pm: Special event
July 12th, 5.15 pm: Special event Congress banquet: dinner on a “bateau- mouche”
July 13th, 12.30: Closure of the congress
Société Française de Psychanalyse Adlérienne (SFPA)
5 passage Gambetta
75020 Paris