October 19, 2023
Dear Colleagues and Friends: Like many of you, individuals and organizations, the IAIP Board wants to respond (and to continue responding) to the terrible human losses and unimaginable human suffering in the Middle East. Like many of you, individuals and organizations, the IAIP Board can’t find the words that would be equally comforting to all who suffer and all who lost their loved ones, right now, in the midst of the war, in the darkest moment for all humanity.
In 1971, Bill Pew wrote, “The psychology of Alfred Adler, misunderstood, discarded as nonscientific, as simplistic, as faddish, has been available to [hu]mankind for 50 years. It seems only recently that the tenor of our times, the stark reality that human society may not have many years to survive on this earth, stimulates many of us to reconsider the leadership provided by such great humanitarians as Alfred Adler”. A little over 50 years later, if you read this quote as a reminder of the fragility of humanity or perhaps our inability to keep it well, please also read Pew’s words as a message of hope and a call for action.
Keeping faith in humanity, relying on all reasonable people of goodwill, supporting all organizations guided
by the same principles, and guided by the wisdom embedded in Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology, the
International Association of Individual Psychology (IAIP) Board calls on you to do the same – keep faith in
humanity, rely on reasonable people of goodwill and become one of those people, support organizations
guided by the same principles, and revisit the wisdom of Adler’s Individual Psychology as a source of hope.
Your IAIP Board
IAIP President Marina Bluvshtein, PhD (USA)
Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
NASAP Diplomate in Adlerian Psychology Professor & Director, Center for Adlerian Practice and Scholarship, Adler University
IAIP Vice President Prof. Dr. Ursula Oberst (Spain)
General Health Psychologist (certified) and Adlerian Psychotherapist
President of Spanish Association of Adlerian Psychology – A.E.P.A
Psychology Professor at Ramon Llull University Barcelona
IAIP Secretary General Dr. Giansecondo Mazzoli (Italy)
Adlerian Psychoanalyst and Supervisor
President of the Italian Society of Individual Psychology
IAIP Treasurer Michaela Stacher-Linhart, MA (Austria)
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adlerian Psychoanalyst
Board member of the Austrian Society of Individual Psychology