
  1. Criteria for Applying for Membership
  2. Operations of the Board
  3. Section Business & Organisations
  4. Section Counselling
  5. Section Education & Pedagogics
  6. Section Science: Theory & Research
  7. Section Therapy

1. Bylaws Criteria for Applying for Membership

a) Regional member societies need:

b) Institutes need for admission:

Organizations seeking membership of the IAIP may submit their application in writing to the Secretary General who shall then proceed as written in the constitution of the IAIP (Article 3,section 6). Besides the information on the criteria mentioned above the application should include the following:Name of the organization

2. Operations of the Board

2.1 Role of Treasurer

The Treasurer is authorized to represent IAIP, within and outside of the organization, in all financial matters arising from the business of the organization, both strategic and operational. That includes, but is not limited by, making statements and declarations, conducting financial transactions, collecting and disbursing fees, negotiating with banks and other financial institutions in all the countries in which IAIP member organizations are located.

3. Bylaws of the Interest Section “Business and Organisations”

3.1. Aims:

The interest sections are representative groups for professionals who belong to an IAIP membership organization.

3.2. Membership:

Any member of an IAIP member organization can join an interest section by expressing their interest to the section chairperson by contacting the chairperson.

3.3. Extraordinary membership:

Professionals who do not belong to an IAIP member organization can apply for extraordinary membership in an interest section. Their membership needs to be approved by a simple majority of the assembly of the regular section members.

Extraordinary members are not entitled to vote or to hold a position.

3.4. Functionaries:

The functionaries of the Section are:

If decisions made by the Section require any form of funding, it is necessary to have the agreement of the Board of the IAIP.

3.9. Specific aims of each interest section

3.9.1. Interest section “Counseling”

The interest section for Counselling is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for counsellors who are members of an IAIP member organization.

It has the following aims: to facilitate the collection of information, resources related to counselling from all members of IAIP; to collate and organize this data related to training, standards and definitions of counselling; the interdisciplinary cooperation with all other IAIP sections

3.9.2. Interest section “Education and Pedagogics”

The interest section for Counselling is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for professionals who work mainly in the field of Education in the IAIP and who are members of an IAIP member organization.

The objective of the Section ‘Education and Pedagogics’ is to define and explore universal values that remain relevant across generations, recognizing their foundational role in meaningful education. The Section aims to engage and empower parents and educators by addressing their challenges, including contemporary issues such as the impact of digital media and evolving societal dynamics. By fostering an understanding of the principles of Individual Psychology, the Section emphasizes the exchange of best practices, the investigation of effective ways to reach parents and educators, and the creation of a comprehensive resource collection. This collaborative approach enables participants to develop adaptive strategies tailored to their unique contexts and ensures meaningful, sustainable contributions to education and pedagogy in an ever-changing world.

3.9.3. Interest Section “Therapy-Adults”

The interest section for Therapy-adults is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for psychotherapists in the IAIP who mainly work with adult clients and who are members of the IAIP member organizations.

The objective of the Section “adult therapy” is to provide a comprehensive overview of Adlerian adult therapy, acknowledging the diverse theoretical and methodological orientations within the global Adlerian community and engaging in constructive dialogue with emerging perspectives. Additionally, the section addresses the distinctions between counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, and analysis in alignment with the legal and regulatory frameworks of each IAIP member country.

3.9.4. Interest Section “Therapy-Children and Adolescents”

The interest section for Therapy-children and adolescents is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for psychotherapists in the IAIP who mainly work with children and adolescents and who are members of the IAIP member organizations.

The objective of the section is to share research, experiences and reflections about children and adolescent psychotherapy, based on Adlerian principles; to discuss the developments and changes of the new generations in order to update methodologies, techniques and ways of treatment; to compare the training courses of child and adolescent psychotherapists, in order to integrate different experiences and improve cooperation.

3.9.5. Interest Section “Science – theory and research”

The interest section “Science: Theory and Research” is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group concerned with promotion of Adlerian Theory & Research in the IAIP. It has the following aims: The section shall promote, support and encourage within the IAIP scientific discussions, the exchange of research results, and the development and realization of special scientific projects. This section, in order to avoid overlaps and remain faithful to its title “Science: Theory and Research”, must set itself the goal of opening up to the dimension of global scientific research – both Adlerian and non-Adlerian -, for a comparison and mutual growth. This opening towards interdisciplinarity and international methodology has today become necessary and urgent to support the local society to remain faithful to the Individual Psychology paradigm biopsychosocial, and its consequent methodological values, finally to keep integrity and consistency in their mission towards patients for the reduction of mental suffering, for a neutral therapeutic accompaniment, and to promote scientific approaches in their work and the work of others.

3.9.6. Interest Section “Business and Organizations”

(in the process of being established)

Revised and updated by the Board of the IAIP January 27th, 2025

4. Bylaws of the Interest Section “Counselling”

4.1 Aims of the Section

  1. The interest section for therapy (herein-after reffered to as the ‘Section’) is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for counsellors in the IAIP.
  2. It has the following duties:
    1. to facilitate the collection of information, resources related to counselling from all members of IAIP
    2. to collate and organise this data related to training, standards and definitions of counselling
    3. to liaison with the education and therapy sections

4.2 Membership

  1. Members of the IAIP shall declare which of their delegates will represent them in this Section.

4.3 Extraordinary Membership

  1. Persons who are not delegates of an IAIP member organization may apply for extraordinary membership to this Section.
  2. Extraordinary membership needs a simple majority of the members of this Section.
  3. Extraordinary members are not entitled to vote and to hold a position.

4.4 Functionaries

The functionaries of the Section are:

  1. The Chairpersons of the Section
  2. The assembly of the Section’s members.

4.5 Chair

  1. The Section is led by a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson will represent the Section at all appropriate meetings of the Council of the IAIP.
  2. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson will be elected by the assembly of the Section’s members by an absolute majority of members present for the vote. The term of office will be three years. They remain in office until a new vote takes place.

4.6 Assembly of members

  1. Official communication will take place at least once a year.
  2. The assembly is called by the Chairperson in agreement with the Vice-Chairperson. Time, date and place are published in advance, so as to give all members sufficient notice to attend. This will happen at least once during each International Congress of Individual Psychology.
  3. The assembly shall decide on the following points:
    1. elect the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson
    2. decide on the Section’s Bylaws
    3. financial management of funds as approved by the Council
    4. the creation of sub sections as needed
  4. Recommendations to the IAIP delegate’s assembly need a simple majority. Motions require a 2/3 majority.
  5. The Chairperson shall lead the assembly, in her/his absence the Vice-Chairperson.
  6. Resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Section and sent to the Secretary General of the IAIP
  7. All minutes from each section be sent to the chairpersons of each other section

4.7 Business needing consent

If decisions made by the Section require any form of funding, it is necessary to have the agreement of the Council of the IAIP.

4.8 Resolutions of the Bylaws

  1. The formation of the Bylaws requires a 3/4 majority from the Section’s members present in the assembly. This is also the case for changes to the Section’s Bylaws.
  2. The Section’s Bylaws must be approved by the Delegates’ Assembly of the IAIP with a 2/3 majority vote.

Agreed on August 04, 1996.

5. Bylaws of the Interest Section “Education and Pedagogics”

5.1 Aims of the Section

  1. The interest section for Education and Pedagogics (herein-after referred to as the ‘Section’) is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for educators in the IAIP.
  2. It has the following aims:
    1. research regarding application of Adlerian Principles to everyday education
    2. application of Adlerian Principles to training teachers and parents
    3. to spread Adlerian ideas concerning education (e.g. by translating books)

5.2 Membership

  1. Members of the IAIP shall declare which of their delegates who are educators will represent them in this Section according to the constitution of IAIP.
  2. Each delegate in this section is entitled to one (1) vote.
  3. Membership begins and ends with an appropriate written communication to the Secretary General of the IAIP and the Chairperson of the Section by the liaison officer of the member organisation.

5.3 Extraordinary Membership

  1. Persons who are not delegates of an IAIP member organization may apply for extraordinary membership to this Section.
  2. Extraordinary membership needs a simple majority of the members of this Section.
  3. Extraordinary members are not entitled to vote or to hold a position.

5.4 Functionaries

  1. The functionaries of the Section are:
  2. Extraordinary membership needs a simple majority of the members of this Section.
    1. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Section
    2. The assembly of the Section’s delegates.

5.5 Chairpersons

  1. The Section is led by a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson will represent the Section at all appropriate meetings of the Council of the IAIP.
  2. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson will be elected by the assembly of the Section delegates at the tri-annual congress by an absolute majority vote. The term of office will be about three years. However, they remain in office until a new vote takes place.
  3. If the Chairperson is unable to serve, the Vice-Chairperson will take over the duties of the Chairperson.If both Chairs are unable to serve, the Council of IAIP will appoint one or two chairs from the Section delegates to finish the term(s).

5.6 Assembly of delegates

  1. Official communication will take place at least once a year.
  2. The assembly is called by the Chairperson in agreement with the Vice-Chairperson. Time, date and place are published in advance, so as to give all members sufficient notice to attend. This will happen at least once during each International Congress of Individual Psychology.
  3. The assembly is quorate when at least 25% of the registered delegates are present. The number of delegates on the July 1st. of the current year is deemed to be the definitive number, or two calendar months before the Section assembles.
  4. The assembly shall decide on the following points:
    1. elect the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson
    2. decide on the Section’s Bylaws
    3. other appropriate business.
  5. Recommendations to the IAIP delegate’s assembly need a simple majority. Motions require a 2/3 majority.
  6. The Chairperson shall lead the assembly, in her/his absence the Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson will assure that minutes are taken at each meeting and that they are given to the Secretary General to be published for the delegates of the Section.
  7. Resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Section and sent to the Secretary General of the IAIP
  8. All minutes from each section be sent to the chairpersons of each other section by the Secretary General of the IAIP.

5.7 Business needing consent

If decisions made by the Section require any form of funding, it is necessary to have the agreement of the Council of the IAIP.

5.8 Resolutions of the Bylaws

  1. Any proposed Bye/Law modifications must be distributed to all section delegates 60 days prior to a vote.
  2. The formation of the Bylaws requires a 3/4 majority from the Section’s members present in the assembly. This is also the case for changes to the Section’s Bylaws.
  3. The Section’s Bylaws must be approved by the Delegates’ Assembly of the IAIP with a 2/3 majority vote.

Agreed on August 06, 1996.

6. Bylaws of the Interest Section “Science: Theory and Research”

6.1 Aims of the Section

  1. The interest section “Science: Theory and Research” is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group concerned with promotion of Adlerian Theory & Research in the IAIP.
  2. The section shall promote, support and encourage within the IAIP scientific discussions and the exchange of research results and the development and realization of special scientific projects.

6.2 Membership

  1. Member societies and institutes of the IAIP shall declare which of their delegates will represent them in this Section.
  2. Each member is entitled to one (1) vote.
  3. Membership begins and ends with an appropriate written communication to the Secretary General of the IAIP.

6.3 Organization of the Section:

  1. The Chairperson of the Section and the Vice-Chairperson.
  2. The assembly of the Section’s members.

6.4 Chair

  1. The Section is led and represented by a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. Both, the Chairperson or the Vice-Chairperson will represent the Section at meetings of the Council of the IAIP, and they may represent the Section at other occasions.
  2. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson will be elected by the assembly of the Section’s members by an absolute majority of members present for the vote. The term of office will be three years. They remain in office until a new vote takes place.

6.5 Assembly of members

  1. Official communication will take place at least once a year.
  2. The assembly is called by the Chairperson in agreement with the Vice-Chairperson. Time, date and place are published in advance, so as to give all members sufficient notice to attend. This will happen at least once during each International Congress of Individual Psychology.
  3. A quorum is when 5 members or more are present in the session.
  4. The assembly shall decide on the following points:
    1. elect the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson
    2. decide on the Section’s Bylaws
    3. prioritize proposals for the Council of the IAIP
  5. Recommendations to the IAIP delegate’s assembly need a simple majority. Motions require a 2/3 majority.
  6. The Chairperson shall lead the assembly. The Vice-Chairperson shall lead the assembly in the absence of the Chairperson.
  7. Resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Section; these will be signed by the person making the minutes and either the Chairperson, or, in her/his absence, by the Vice-Chairperson, and thereafter published by the Secretary General of the IAIP.

6.6 Business needing consent

If decisions made by the Section require any form of funding, it is necessary to have the agreement of the Council of the IAIP.

6.7 Resolutions of the Bylaws

  1. The formation of the Bylaws requires a 2/3 majority from the Section’s members present in the assembly. This is also the case for changes to the Section’s Bylaws.
  2. The Section’s Bylaws must be approved by the Delegates’ Assembly of the IAIP with a 2/3 majority vote.

Agreed on August 04, 1996.

7. Bylaws of the Interest Section “Therapy”

7.1 Aims of the Section

  1. The interest section for therapy (herein-after referred to as the ‘Section’) is, according to the constitution of the IAIP, a representative group for psychotherapists in the IAIP.
  2. It has the following duties:
    1. Discuss advances and progress in psychotherapy.
    2. Discuss the training regulations of the psychotherapists
    3. Develop the co-operation of the different point of views within the Adlerian framework.

7.2 Membership

  1. Member societies and institutes of the IAIP shall declare which of their delegates will represent them in this Section.
  2. Every psychotherapists who is a member of an IAIP member society or institute, may become member of this Section. Each member is entitled to one vote
  3. Membership begins and ends with an appropriate written communication to the Secretary General of the IAIP.
  4. Guests are welcome to attend and participate, but may not vote.

7.3 Functionaries

  1. The functionaries of the Section are:
    1. The Chairpersons of the Section.
    2. The assembly of the Section’s members.

7.4 Chair

  1. The Section is led by a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson will represent the Section at all appropriate meetings of the Council of the IAIP.
  2. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson will be elected by the assembly of the Section’s members by an absolute majority of members present for the vote. The term of office will be three years. They remain in office until a new vote takes place.

7.5 Assembly of members

  1. Official communication will take place at least once a year.
  2. The assembly is called by the Chairperson in agreement with the Vice-Chairperson. Time, date and place are published in advance, so as to give all members sufficient notice to attend. This will happen at least once during each International Congress of Individual Psychology.
  3. The assembly is quorate when at least 25% of the registered members are present. The number of members on the 1.7. of the current year is deemed to be the definitive number, or two calendar months before the member’s assembly, whichever is appropriate.
  4. The assembly shall decide on the following points:
    1. elect the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson.
    2. decide on the Section’s Bylaws.
    3. conduct any other business presented to the assembly.
  5. Recommendations to the IAIP delegate’s assembly need a simple majority. Motions require a 2/3 majority.
  6. The Chairperson shall lead the assembly, in her/his absence the Vice-Chairperson.
  7. Resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Section; these will be signed by the person making the minutes and either the Chairperson, or, in her/his absence, by the Vice-Chairperson, and thereafter published by the Secretary General of the IAIP.

7.6 Business needing consent

If decisions made by the Section require any form of funding, it is necessary to have the agreement of the Council of the IAIP.

  1. The formation of the Bylaws requires a 3/4 majority from the Section’s members present in the assembly. This is also the case for changes to the Section’s Bylaws.
  2. The Section’s Bylaws must be approved by the Delegates’ Assembly of the IAIP with a 2/3 majority vote.