2nd year of The International Conference of Individual Psychology:

Upcoming 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfred Adler – founder of Individual Psychology

11th – 12th October 2019, Vienna

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the second year of the International Conference of Individual Psychology. This will be held at the University of Vienna on October 11th-12th 2019, in the beautiful city at the heart of Europe where Alfred Adler was born 149 years ago. This year we will have four keynote speakers and we are also offering to all of you opportunities to send abstracts of your contributions, since we are creating the space for more speakers as well as poster presentationsA Conference Year-Book will be published as well. We are also preparing a very important PANEL DISCUSSIONWe will start with the report What we have achieved since the first Conference andeveryone is welcome to bring up issues to be discussed about the Development of Collaboration within IAIP and the future of IAIP. This year, you can register for both days or for 1 day only:

  • BOTH DAYS – October 11th – 12th, 2019 (Conference fee: 190 Eur until the end of June, and 240 Eur thereafter), 2x LUNCH & 1x FAREWELL DINNER are included
  • Day 1st – October 11th, 2019 (Conference fee: 95 Eur until the end of June, and 120 Eur thereafter), LUNCH is included
  • Day 2nd – October 12th, 2019 (Conference fee: 95 Eur until the end of June, and 120 Eur thereafter), LUNCH is included


Join us and be part of the Adlerian Community around IAIP!

This year‘s topic is: Upcoming 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfred Adler – founder of Individual Psychology.

Register here
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