1st year of The International Conference of Individual Psychology IP in the current World: Best practices!

The 1st year of the International Conference of Individual Psychology was a great success. We had the honor to host participants from more than 16 countries and we hope that we can increase this number this year. Please take a look on https://individualpsychology.net/ and register for the 2nd International Conference of Individual Psychology which will take place in Vienna from 11th to 12th of October 2019. Hope to see you there!

Invitation for 1st conference by Daniela Čechova:

Dear friends and colleagues,

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to take part in the first year of the International Conference of Individual Psychology which will be held at Alfred Adler Center International in Vienna on November 19th 2018.

With the help of you all, with the cooperation of the Member Organisations of IAIP, we are launching a new tradition. The purpose is to increase communication amongst Adlerians internationally and to build bridges between the Members of IAIP.

This year‘s topic, which we can keep or change in the following years, is: Individual Psychology in the Current World: Best Practices. I would love us to have, every year, a historic contribution which reminds us of our roots. However, we also need to provide individuals and society with the contributions needed in the current world. With this in mind, this year we will have three great presentations:

Marina Bluvstein, from Adler University, USA, notes that November 2018 will mark the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht and this brings more stories connected to Adler, such as Irene Nemirovsky, Helene and Ernst Papaneks, Vali Stalin and Raissa. She will make the presentation for all the people who died on many inhumane nights over the last two centuries and to celebrate their dreams of light.

The title of Marina´s lecture will be Overcoming – Humans over Humanity. Individual Psychology in personal and historical contexts.

The presentation by Erik Mansager, Switzerland, will discuss a difference in the views of Adler and Dreikurs. According Erik, Adler taught that the goal of the personality is the Persönlichkeitsideal (personality ideal), while Dreikurs asserted that it is to belong and his presentation proposes that we accept this as a genuine difference between two men. Erik will present the topics: Respecting Difference: Adler and Dreikurs.

The main focus of some Individual Psychologists and Counsellors in Vienna is on the long-term treatment of emotionally and socially disturbed children and youngsters. Their work also includes educational counselling for parents and consultancy for teachers in how to understand and handle the different behavioural problems of children and youngsters. After a general introduction, Hermine Sperl-Hicker, from Austria, will give us an insight into her work based on case materials with the title: Understanding and helping children with social and emotional challenges in daily life at school.

Dinner after conference

We will also concentrate on analysing clinical material, since practice makes a master. We will have two facilitators: Sylvie Ponty, Paris and Wilfried Datler, Wien who will be leading us in order to understand different ways of working with clinical material and will supervise our learning journey.

I regard it as very important to have the opportunity to talk together in order to know each other better. Therefore, the essential agenda of the Conference will be a PANEL DISCUSSION about the Development of Collaboration within IAIP and the future of IAIP. The aim is to create community, stimulate encounters and promote the further development of Individual Psychology.

In just two weeks, 23 participants from 9 countries have already applied, which gives us a great starting point. You can find Organisation information, programme and an application link at ; www.individualpsychology.net

Some photos from this conference: